This colorful tropical fruit is the perfect treat for hot summer days. But can dogs eat mangoes? Yes! There are many fruits that are safe for dogs, and mango is one of them! Let’s look at why mangoes are a great sweet treat for your furry companion.
Some pet owners are surprised to learn that their dog has just as much of a sweet tooth as any human. If your dog loves to snack on something sweet, a bit of mango is the perfect option. Not only do they taste good, but they’re packed with beneficial nutrients including:
● Fiber
● Vitamin A
● Vitamin B6
● Vitamin C
● Vitamin E
These vitamins are important for dog health, and dietary fiber helps keep their digestion easy and regular.1
Be sure to take proper precautions when feeding your dog mangoes. This fruit has tough skin that can be difficult to digest, so it’s best to remove it. Mangoes are stone fruits, which means they also contain a hard seed pit. These pose a choking hazard if swallowed by your dog. What’s more, they also contain minute amounts of cyanide. If you have a small breed of dog, these small amounts could be enough to pose a health risk.
If your dog does swallow a mango pit, monitor them closely — it may be able to pass through their body easily. If you notice changes in eating habits, however, that could indicate the pit has become stuck in the digestive tract. Call your vet right away.
Mangoes should be given to your dog only when ripe — the skin should be reddish-orange with no hint of green. This ensures the flesh is soft and easy to chew. Be sure to peel the mango, remove the pit, and cut the flesh into small chunks. As with all “people” food, only give mango to your dog in moderation. Too much of the sugary fruit could lead to indigestion and diarrhea.
For a cool treat on a hot day, consider pureeing the mango and freezing it into ice cubes. Don’t add any sugar or juice; mango is sweet enough for your pup on its own!
Now that you know all about mangoes and dog nutrition, feel free to enjoy this succulent treat with your pooch! Just remember to prepare it safely and not to overindulge your dog’s sweet tooth. Too much sugar can lead to periodontal disease, and cleanings and extractions can cost upwards of $700.
Still worried about your dog’s mouth? Read our pet insurance guide to find out if it’s right for you and your furry companions.