In a coursing competition, your dog will be evaluated for follow, speed, endurance, agility and ability. In the competition, they will be in pursuit of a lure which zigzags throughout an open field.
Prior to beginning a competition, you will want to involve your dog in a non-competitive lure coursing test. This test gauges your dog’s ability in coursing.
Sighthound is the term referring to the dog involved in coursing.
Common Dog Breeds Involved in Dog Coursing:
When beginning coursing activities with your dog, it is absolutely crucial you do your research. If your dog is not prepared, this may be extremely overwhelming for both you and your dog.
Prior to beginning coursing, be certain your dog is physically fit. If your dog is not physically fit, take the steps necessary to get him fit, slowly. Do not rush your dog. If you rush your dog or immediately place him into coursing, your dog will be at high risk of injury.
Even the most experienced dogs are at risk of being injured throughout coursing. Why? Coursing involves a significant amount of intense running. To compare, this is similar to entering your child in a sport. Although coursing is fun for your dog, he needs to be prepared.
Preparing your Dog
Doing a background check is also recommended. If your dog has been in coursing previously, ask his prior owner if he had sustained any injuries throughout his coursing career. If he had sustained injuries, what types of injuries were sustained and what did the veterinarian say about his future career in coursing?
A check-up with the veterinarian is also necessary. Ask your veterinarian if your dog is in a condition where he would be able to perform such a strenuous activity. Weight also plays a factor in this. A dog involved in coursing must be at a certain weight. If your dog is not at that particular weight, request advice from your veterinarian on how to make your dog as physically fit as possible.
You can learn more about dog coursing on the American Kennel Club website. Be certain to read over all of the information provided prior to entering your dog into this sport.