Fun Winter Activities to Do with Your Dog

3 min read
May 11, 2023

As the temperature drops, you don’t have to stop enjoying spending time with your dog. There are a ton of fun things you can do with your canine companion outdoors this winter.

Going out every day for even a few minutes of cold-weather fun can help you both stay in shape or start to get back into shape after the holidays.

We’ve gathered a few of our favorite winter activities you can do with your dog. Pick your favorite, and head out and enjoy the cold weather.

Hide and Sniff

Dogs were born to hunt, and sniffing things out is a great way to engage your dog’s senses. So, grab your dog’s favorite toy and head out into the snow to get a game of “hide and sniff” going.

To play, hide your dog’s favorite toy beneath the snow when he’s not looking. Then, encourage him to find it. He’ll love sniffing around for it and digging through the snow to find his prize.

Indoor Dog Park

While you can certainly visit your dog’s favorite park in the winter, you may also want to find an indoor place to have some fun. Check online to see if your area has an indoor dog park nearby.

This is a great way to ensure your dog gets plenty of exercise without worrying about the amount of time she’s spending out in the cold. Plus, she can make new friends!

Snowball Fetch

When the snow is perfect for making snowballs, why not take advantage of it to play a game of snowball fetch with your pooch? What’s particularly great about this winter activity is that it requires no prep or equipment. You just need the right kind of snow.

All you have to do is make a tennis ball-sized snowball for your dog, then throw it like you would during a normal game of fetch. Then, watch your dog as he tries to find the ball which magically disappeared.

Be sure to have another snowball ready quickly before he gets frustrated and abandons the game. Even dogs don’t like to be tricked!

Winter Safety Tips for Dog Owners

Here are some quick winter safety tips:

  • Keep your play sessions short to keep your dog from getting too cold
  • If your dog doesn’t have an undercoat, get him some winter clothes
  • Always check your dog’s paws for packed snow, especially if she has long fur
  • Consider pet insurance

Consider Investing in Dog Insurance  

Looking for more ways to keep your pup happy and healthy? Consider investing in a dog insurance policy with MetLife Pet Insurance.1  Get your free quote today. 

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