Pet Care

Caring for Cats During The Winter Months

2 min read
Jan 09, 2022

There are approximately 76.43million cats in the U.S., and now that winter is swiftly approaching, it's time to think about how to take care of yours. Whether indoor or outdoor, young or old, you should take great care to prepare your furry friends for winter.

If you're wondering just how to take care of your felines this winter, here are a few tips to help you care for different types of cats.

Outdoor Cats

It might be instinctual to want your cats inside for the winter, but if your cat is used to being outside, then you should continue to let them roam during the day so their bodies can adapt to the colder weather. If your cat has an outdoor shelter, consider raising it off the ground and adding extra bedding to help maintain higher temperatures. In addition, you should always be ready to dry off your cat's paws when they come inside.

Indoor Cats

Indoor cats are a little bit more lax, but if their bed is on the floor, you should also consider moving it to a higher location to help avoid draftiness. You should provide a little extra bedding between the bed itself and the floor to help maintain heat.

Older Cats

If you have an older cat, you should focus primarily on helping them get around. Colder weather can have an effect on their limbs, causing stiffness and discomfort. Providing ramps, and even constructing "ladders" using stools and chairs will make it so they don't have to jump so high.

All Cats

Regardless of your cat's age or lifestyle, you should consider getting cat insurance plans for them. The pet insurance process is relatively simple, and pet insurance for dogs is very similar to the insurance plans for cats. Pet wellness plans are crucial during the winter months, especially since it's a time when slips and falls can lead to injury -- for felines and humans alike.

Pet care during the winter months can be tricky at times, but with the combination of pet insurance for cats as well as a wealth of knowledge, you should be all set for a successful winter.

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