Memorial Day Pet Safety Tips

Three Minutes
May 23, 2024

If your pets are going to enjoy Memorial Day with you, it’s a good idea to keep their safety a top priority. While there’s plenty of fun for all — from boating and cookouts to fireworks and pool time — there are risks for your pet that could result in a trip to the vet.

We’ve gathered the best tips to help you protect your furry friends this holiday so everybody can have a great time. Most of these apply to any summer holidays or plans you may have — making these tips relevant all season long. Plus, find out how pet insurance can help if you run into an unexpected vet bill because of Memorial Day pet risks.

MetLife Pet Insurance can reimburse you up to 90% on covered accidents and illnesses that may happen during summer fun.1

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Keep Your Pets Cool

Heat exhaustion is something you don’t want your pets to face, so make sure you’re taking steps to keep them cool.

For indoor animals, make sure they have access to cool basements or rooms where there’s plenty of airflow. Air conditioners, fans, or open windows with screens can help in keeping pets cool when you’re not home.

When pets are outside, make sure they have access to shade at all times. Keep in mind that the shade moves with the sun, so you’ll want to avoid tying animals or leaving them in the car, which could leave them stuck in a hot, sunny spot.

MetLife Pet Insurance can typically help you cover costs if your pet needs to be hospitalized or treated for heat stroke or stress.

Maintain Hydration

Keeping your pet hydrated is another way to help them stay cool, so you’ll want to make sure your pet always has access to fresh water.

If the water feels warm, you may want to add a couple of ice cubes to help your pet stay cool. This can also encourage pets to drink more, as the cool water will feel refreshing on a hot day.

Pets can easily become dehydrated in hotter weather. Dehydration can cause an elevated heart rate, lethargy, vomiting, or even collapse. If your pet needs intravenous (IV) fluids and diagnostics related to dehydration, MetLife Pet policies can typically help you cover these vet bills.

Watch Them Around Water

Pools can pose a danger to all pets, so be sure to watch them if you have one. If you’re taking pets out to a lake or open water, you’ll want to make sure they have a well-fitted life vest in place. Even the best swimmers can get tired and be at risk of drowning.

Avoid Fire-Related Accidents

Whether you’ve got the grill up and running, candles burning for ambiance, or a bonfire blazing, keep a close eye on your pets. This is especially important if your pet is overly curious, or they have bushy, long, or thick tails or coats.

A small grill could be knocked over by a dog or large enough cat looking to steal a special treat, and you simply never know what kind of trouble your pet can get themselves into when there are open flames around!

If your pet gets burned, they may need quick medical care. A trip to the vet for burns can come with exam fees, medications, and potentially more robust treatment if the burns are severe — all of which can typically be covered under a MetLife Pet policy.

Don’t Share Everything on Your Plate

While attending parties or cookouts for Memorial Day, pets may be enticed by the smells of food all around. Human food can either be good or bad for your dog or cat. A small bite of hot dog probably won’t hurt your pet, but if you share onions or other toxic foods, this could spell trouble.

A few foods to be particularly watchful of include:

If your pet shows any signs of food poisoning — such as diarrhea, vomiting, or lethargy — it’s a good idea to take them to the nearest veterinary clinic as soon as possible. The faster you act, the more likely they are to recover!

Protect Them From Bugs and Snakes

If you’re spending a lot of time outdoors for the holiday, there’s a higher risk of your pet eating cicadas, getting stung by a bee, or being bit by bugs or snakes. You can help protect them by watching them closely, using a pet-safe bug spray, or keeping them away from areas where snakes or insects might reside.

If your pet has been stung or bitten, you might notice swelling or redness around the area, limping, pawing at the area, or panting. Monitor them, and if your pet’s symptoms get worse, a trip to the vet may be in order.

Keep Pets Contained

During Memorial Day, pets may get caught up in the commotion of people and fun. One of the best ways you can keep your pets safe is to know where they are at all times.

For cats, that often means keeping them in an unused room in the house during any festivities. This can prevent curious felines from slipping outside, where they can get lost or endanger themselves.

If you’re outside with your dogs, you may want to keep them leashed if you’re worried about them causing trouble or wandering off.

But again, keep a close eye on them to ensure they always have access to shade and aren’t being harassed by any of your guests.

Prepare Pets for Visitors

Some pets don’t do well with visitors, either because of past trauma or their personalities.

If you have a nervous animal, consider having friends come over in the weeks or days leading up to a Memorial Day party to help them adjust to the idea of people visiting.

Have your guests bring treats and make each visit a rewarding time for your pet so they begin to look forward to people coming over.

Prepare Visitors for Pets

You’ll also want to make sure your visitors know the rules regarding your pets. It’s best to be upfront with your guests regarding your pet’s boundaries because not every pet is tolerant of a small child or stranger being in their space.

Get Your Pet Microchipped

Pets can go missing as a result of fireworks or other loud noises. If people are setting off fireworks near you this holiday, it could lead to a frightened and/or lost pet. If your pet does get loose, MetLife Pet Insurance policies can typically help you with lost pet advertising and rewards, so you can get your beloved companion back home.

Microchipping your pet can help make finding them even easier, as they can be scanned by shelters, rescue groups, and veterinarians to identify the owner of a lost pet. This gets your pet back to you faster and reduces the risk of them getting lost in the shelter system.

June is National Microchipping Month, which is the perfect time to set up an appointment with your veterinarian to get your pets chipped.

Protect Your Pets and Wallet With MetLife Pet Insurance

While you’re enjoying your Memorial Day with your dog or cat, consider following these safety tips to help keep your furry family happy and healthy. If anything does happen, MetLife Pet Insurance can help reimburse you for covered expenses on vet bills.

Check out some other reasons why pet insurance may be worth it for you, and enroll your pet now before they need veterinary care. Get a free quote to see what it costs, and have a happy, safe Memorial Day!

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