Change a Pet's Life Day

Three Minutes
Jun 12, 2023

Change a Pet’s Life Day is celebrated every year. This is a special day set aside to encourage adoptions and create awareness for animals in need. 

There are many ways you can change a pet’s life, no matter your budget or skill setl!  To inspire you, here is a list of things you can do to change a pets life:  

Make a Positive Change

No matter how responsible a pet parent you already are, there is always something you can do to improve your pet’s health and quality of life.  Start walking your dog daily or change up the routine for new sights and sniffs, research the best food your budget will allow, schedule a check-up with your veterinarian or just carve out special time each day, one-on-one, to create special memories with your best furry friend.

Get Involved in a Cause

Animal testing, puppy millschained dogs, dogfighting, and senior dogs are only a few of the many issues you can play a role in to help better the lives of both dogs and cats.  Farm animals and wildlife are also in need of our help too. One person CAN make a difference. 

Spread the Word for Homeless Pets

Are you on social media?  It’s easy to click the “share” button and help homeless animals get seen.  Spreading the word about a dog or cat in need, may just bring them to the attention of their human!

Sponsor a Dog or Cat

If your budget allows, most animal shelters and rescues can always use funding, especially for special needs pets.  Some animals require a particular diet or dental cleaning to help them thrive, while others may need a surgical procedure or medications that could be out of a potential adopter’s means.  By donating dollars, you might make it possible for a dog or cat to get the medical care they need and might not otherwise get, along with a forever home.

Volunteer at an Animal Shelter

Socializing, exercise and developing a bond with humans are some of the things you can provide a shelter pet.  Not only can you enhance the animal’s time during his stay at the shelter, but you can prepare him for his future family.  A well-socialized pet is a friendly and more adoptable pet.  A well-exercised pet is likely to be healthier.  Volunteering is a chance to get down and dirty washing dogs, transporting pets and giving back for all the happiness in your own life.

Just because you can’t make a lifetime commitment, doesn’t mean you can’t provide a loving short-term home to a dog or cat as they heal from a medical procedure.  

Adopt a Pet

Some shelter pets have lost their families due to death, economics or other turmoil.  Other animals have been waiting their whole lives for a family to love them.  Proving a forever home to a dog or cat is the greatest gift you can give, and it gives back with the adoring eyes, tail wags and amazing greetings you will receive every day of your life together.  Assess your lifestyle, know what time you have and what your budget will allow.  If your schedule is busy, consider a senior pet.  Most know their manners and are happy to gaze adoringly at you, laying quietly by your side. 

Although one day is designated to change a pet’s life, you can do it any and every day of the year, by being there for a dog or cat in whatever capacity best fits your lifestyle.  There is truly nothing like knowing you’ve made a difference in an animal’s life.    

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