6 Ways to Keep Your Dog Cool This Summer

2 min read
Jan 28, 2022

With record high heat temperatures around the country, it is important to keep your pets in mind when it comes to keeping cool. Pets can suffer heatstroke quickly in these kinds of temperatures. Here are some ways to keep your dog cool this summer.

1. Exercise Your Pet Early in The Morning or Late at Night

Since these are the cooler parts of the day, this will make the walk more comfortable for both you and your dog. Vigorous exercise is essential for healthy pets, but this is the time of year to back off on exercise intensity.

2. Use Doggie Boots

You can find these at your local pet supply store. If you can’t walk your dog during the early and later hours of the day, this is a good way of protecting him. Heat rises from the ground, especially on surfaces like cement and asphalt, and dogs absorb and release heat through their feet. Just like boots prevent the dog from absorbing the cold in the winter, they also isolate heat.

3. Watch For Signs of Dehydration

Dogs can’t sweat. They cool off by panting, so an overheated dog will drool excessively. It will become lethargic, its eyes will be bloodshot, and it may appear a little pale. If you lift its skin, it will take longer than usual for the skin to fall back into place.

4. Keep Your Dog Hydrated

Different dogs have different needs when battling the heat. Keep in mind that darker coats absorb more heat than lighter coats. Also, overweight dogs are at higher risk for dehydration. Carry a bottle of water when going on a walk with your dog. Better yet have your dog carry it for you in a backpack or a vest! The water in the bottles will keep the dog cooler and also give the dog a sense of purpose.

5. Let Your Dog Check The Weather

Dogs don’t have the Weather Channel, so they don’t know why they are being denied a long walk for the day. Allow your dog to step outside and feel for itself that it is too hot, too wet, or too cold to go on a long walk. Instinctually, the dog will understand that it has to shorten its walk, or simply come back inside where it’s safe.

6. Never Leave Your Dog in a Parked Car

The car retains more heat than an open area, even if it is in the shade. Plus, a dog may get overexcited in the car due to passersby or panic from claustrophobia, making dehydration more likely. On longer trips, make sure you have water for the dog and keep the AC running.

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