Why to Love a Black Cat

Three Minutes
Apr 12, 2022

Ask any cat parent who shares his or her life with a black cat and you will likely hear how loving and affectionate their furry felines are.

Hmm sounds like black cats aren’t much different than cats of any color or stripe, right? Unfortunately, black cats have gotten a bad rap. Black cats are also the pets who languish in shelters because potential pet parents seem to pass pets of this color over for other colored cats.  

Black Cats and Superstitions

Here are some of the reasons black cats have been associated with superstition and bad luck: 

  • They’re associated with Halloween imagery, witches and bad luck. 
  • In the 16th century Italy, it was believed if a black cat sat by your bed you would die.
  • If you see a black cat from behind, it is said you will have bad luck. If you see a black cat walking toward you, it is said you will have good luck. If the cat walks away, it is said it takes the good luck with it.

Thankfully, today even though superstitions about black cats still persist, more and more people are adopting black cats and myths are not frequently used as to why not to adopt a black cat.

Interesting Facts 

Here are seven interesting facts about black cats: 

  1. Egyptians revered all cats as good luck. Today black cats are viewed, by many cultures, as good luck.
  2. Giving a black cat to a bride in the English Midlands is considered good luck. 
  3. In Scotland, if a stray black cat shows up on your doorstep, he brings prosperity with it.
  4. Fishermen and their wives believed that seeing a black cat would bring good luck while fishing.
  5. Black cats, in Japan, are considered good luck/
  6. Black cats can be male or female, but more often than not, they are male.
  7. Black cats go with everything – you can’t see their fur on your furniture or your clothing!   

Don’t judge a cat by its fur. Cats come in many shapes, sizes and colors and black cats are just as loving and wonderful as any other cat you may share your life with

Looking for More Reasons to Love a Black Cat?.  

  • They are movie stars! Black cats have appeared in movies and television shows like Coraline, Sabrina the Teenage Witch and the Simpsons.
  • They are elegant. Their black fur seems to have a shimmer and a sheen that makes you yearn to pet their fur.
  • Black cats often enjoy sharing their lives with other cat family members and humans just like any other cat.

If you’re looking to adopt a cat, consider adopting a cat in need of a home from your local shelter. 

Consider Investing in Cat Insurance  

Looking for more ways to protect your kitty?  Consider investing in a cat insurance policy with MetLife Pet Insurance.1  Our cat insurance policies can provide the coverage and care your kitties deserve.  Get your free quote today. 

Protect your Black Cat 

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